All of Our Workshops Are Small-Group & Intergenerational!

Storytelling Workshops
TGP facilitates four-week workshops throughout the year, each centered on a different concept or theme. Participants are guided to explore their connection to the topic and mine their experiences to craft unique, personal 5-10 minute spoken-word stories.
Each storytelling workshop culminates in a Final Story Share, which friends and family are invited to attend. Selected participants may also be asked to share their stories at one of our upcoming Live Shows.

Time Capsule Writing Workshops
TGP hosts annual writing-focused workshops in collaboration with SAGE, generating content for the SAGE Living Time Capsule. Participants are guided through group discussion and brainstorming prompts to create various types of written work, including stories, letters and photo captions.

LGBTQ+ History Workshops
TGP produces ongoing interactive workshop series exploring LGBTQ+ history through group discussion of landmark events and researching and collecting information artifacts and news clippings. The final goal is to create an interactive online LGBTQ+ History Timeline.

Custom Workshops
Curated workshops for schools, organizations or corporations. Can be geared toward creating certain content, or more focused on interactive team-building.

Quotes From Our Participants
“I have felt so validated by the facilitators and the other participants which has given me renewed confidence in my writing, and the way I live!”
- Marjorie Conn, Women’s/Time Capsule/Provincetown Workshops Participant
“I had a story in me for so many years and never thought I could share it. It was about not being accepted when I moved to America. In the workshop though, I felt totally accepted, supported, and finally I could let my story out.”
- Naav Bal, 9/11 Workshop Participant